7 Things You Should Know from Tattoo Removal Patients

Laser Tattoo Removal is popping everywhere some are not safe, to make your safety you should select the best dermatologists. Tattoos are the coolest way of expressing one’s interests and beliefs. Yet most people often outgrow their priorities with time and sooner or later set out in search of tattoo removal techniques. But thanks to the new laser technology that makes tattoo removal much safer and easier than the traditional salabrasion or excision procedures. Invest in fat reduction treatments Melbourne as your nutritionist advice to maintain your body goals.

Before opting to remove the ink using laser treatments, here are the important things you must know.

  • Laser tattoo removal sends the ink out through the blood stream

Tattoo removal involves a series of pulses (laser beams) that hit the tattoo to disperse the ink into smaller particles. These particles are later absorbed into the blood stream and travel to the kidney which then flushes it out of the body.

  • Laser tattoo involves a certain amount of pain

Pain during tattoo removal depends on the location of the tattoo and its size. A prior consultation with the removal expert may allow considering options like painkiller injections or topical numbing creams if required.

  • Tattoos can sometimes take more than 10 sessions and may not be gone

Depending upon the skin type and intensity, size and colors used in the tattoo, the number of laser sessions involved varies from one individual to another. Tattoos turn progressively lighter with each session and they are scheduled with a minimum time gap of six weeks to allow proper healing of the skin.

  • Insurance does not cover laser tattoo removal

Tattoo removal treatments are considered as a cosmetic procedure and therefore not covered by insurance providers. Cost of the procedure varies in each case and must be discussed during the initial consultations with the removal experts.

  • Redness, blisters, swelling are all part of the healing process

Post the removal treatment, the skin that once adorned an artistic tattoo can look red, swollen and be blistered. However this is only part of the process and takes about 2-3 weeks to heal completely.

  • The chances of infection is minimal but not zilch

When compared to other tattoo removal techniques, lasers are much safe. However, the affected site must be carefully protected to eliminate the slightest chance of infection. In some cases, there are chances of a permanent scare or hypo/hyper-pigmentation too.

  • Caring for the affected skin after each session is mandatory

An ice pack is applied right after the session is complete and a Medical Barrier Cream is recommended post treatment. Going out in the sun with the skin exposed must be avoided through the entire tattoo removal process. Appropriate measures allow quicker healing and keep infections at bay.

Well-established and experienced tattoo removal centers are highly recommended to ensure a safe swim through the process.